January 2022: The MMGuardian tablet app is no longer available for new installations

Comprehensive Reports
Detailed reports web browsing and phone activity enable you to see the big picture or dive into specific areas of interest or concern. The reports are available at the secure Parent Web Portal or in the MMGuardian Parent App which we recommend you to install on your own phone.
App Usage
– Know which apps are used, when and for how long.
– Spot whether your child is spending too much time playing games or is using their phone inappropriately during class or homework time.
– Use this information to decide whether to set or modify app usage restrictions in App Control.
Web Browsing
– Keep abreast of what your child is searching for and viewing on the internet.
– Browsing using Chrome will be reported even if the Web Filter is turned off. However you you can also use the Web Filter function to limit browsing to websites that you deem to be appropriate.
In order to reduce battery and data usage on your child’s phone, reports are only automatically sent once per day, just past midnight to cover the previous day. However, up to the minute reports from the child’s phone can be requested at any time of the day.

Web Filter & Safe Browsing
Block Websites containing porn, adult or other inappropriate content using the Web Filter function. Select which categories of websites are allowed or should be blocked, or set up specific URLs and domains to allow or block.
Web Filter can be set to work with Chrome, or the built in safe browser part of the MMGuardian app.
When the MMGuardian browser is selected, MMGuardian will automatically block other popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox and Opera. Accordingly, your child must use the MMGuardian Safe Browser to browse the internet. For younger children, you may wish to use the MMGuardian browser as use of that browser enables you to prevent websites from requesting the phone’s location, and to prevent downloads.
When using the MMGuardian Safe Browser, categories of websites that are deemed inappropriate for the chosen age range will be blocked, based on the categorisation of the website content. Categories include Adult, Porn, Gambling, Drugs, Phishing and many more.
Whilst all you need to do is to select an appropriate age range, you can also customise which categories will be blocked or allowed. Additionally, you can set ‘overrides’ to always allow or block specific web site addresses, irrespective of the site’s categorisation.

Time Limits
There will be times when you don’t want your child to be able to use their phone such as when they should be asleep. Use Time Limits to define times when their phone will be locked and cannot be used, other than for emergency calls.
The flexibility of Time Limits enables you to set lock times that are tailored to the specific needs of your family and child.
You can set different lock times for school nights and weekend nights. And, if desired, additional times during the week to cater for activities such as sports training, music lessons or various periods of time throughout school days when you want to differentiate between class times and free time.
See also the App Control function for information about how to handle periods such as homework times, when you might not want to lock the phone totally, but would want to block games.

App Control
Block Apps including WhatsApp, SnapChat, Instagram and PlayStore. Control which apps your child gets to use and when and set daily usage limits to preventing excessive use of social media apps or games.
You can create groups of apps and assign different restrictions to each group. So for example, you may want to restrict use of games to only between 5 pm and 7 pm during the week, but to allow usage at any time at weekends.
Additionally, daily usage limits can be set such as to only allow games apps to be used for up to 1 hour per day.
There is also an option to automatically set newly installed apps to be blocked. You’ll receive an alert when a new app is installed and can decide whether to leave it blocked, to allow it but with usage restrictions or to allow the app to be used at any time.
“Exactly what I need”
Excellent app. MMGuardian lets me control my child’s tablet access and apps – exactly what I need
Ryan Play Store review
“Excellent app”
Very nicely designed app with super awesome user interface. App works nicely.
Mike Play Store review
As a parent this is brilliantly versatile and the web filters are the best I’ve seen (and I’ve tested all the most popular ones on Google Play).
Rob Play Store review
“Awesome app!”
Does what it says! I feel better now leting my daughter keep HER tablet without watching over her shoulder too much! Thank you so much for all your help and fantastic support team!!!
Brian Play Store review
Common Questions about MMGuardian App for Android Tablet
Either install the MMGuardian Parent App to your own phone or log into the secure Parent Web Portal using a web browser from a PC or tablet.
Yes, install the MMGuardian Tablet app for Android onto your kid’s device and the MMGuardian Parent App for iPhone on your own phone.
On-device functions such as Time Limits and App Control will work without an internet connection. However, commands to the app and alerts and reports from the tablet will be subject to delays if the tablet only connects to the internet sporadically.
Sorry, not at this time.
We incorporate a number of sophisticated mechanisms to prevent a child from working around the app and believe that MMGuardian has the best tamper prevention protection in the industry.

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