Extension de garantie et protection contre les dommages

Des plans de protection du téléphone couvrant les dommages accidentels, y compris les dégâts des eaux, sont disponibles pour le MMGuardian Phone A15 lors de la validation de la commande. Notez que les plans ne sont actuellement disponibles que si un étui est également acheté.

Puis-je installer d'autres applications de contrôle parental sur le téléphone MMGuardian ?

It should not be necessary to use any other parental controls on the MMGuardian Phone, as MMGuardian has been designed to include all of the functionality that most parents will ever need. That said, you can install other parental control apps if you would like. However, some apps may interfere with MMGuardian’s functions. If you… Poursuivre la lecture Can I install other parental control apps on the MMGuardian Phone?

Mon enfant pourra-t-il contourner MMGuardian ?

No. As the MMGuardian Phone comes with MMMGuardian pre-installed at a system-level, even the most tech-savvy children will not be able to bypass the rules and restrictions that you put in place. They won’t be able to ‘uninstall’ the parental controls, or be able to work around them by use safe mode, factory resetting, setting… Poursuivre la lecture Will my child be able to bypass MMGuardian?

Mon enfant peut-il utiliser le téléphone sans abonnement et se contenter d'utiliser le WiFi ?

Yes. However, MMGuardian requires an internet connection (WiFi if not mobile data) for your commands to be sent to the child phone and for phone usage and location updates to be reported. Purely on-device parental control functions such as Time Limits and App Control will function even if there is no internet connection. Please note… Poursuivre la lecture Can my child use the phone without a phone plan, and just use WiFi?


Caractéristiques principales du MMGuardian A35