Parental Control Features: App Control

With so many apps available today, and especially those that are designed to keep a child’s attention and get them hooked on the app, it can be very hard to keep your child safe from inappropriate or excessive use of apps. 

The MMGuardian App Control feature for Android phones allows you to control which apps your child can use, for how long, and when, ensuring they have a safe and productive mobile experience.

Benefits of Using the MMGuardian App Control Function

Block New Apps

MMGuardian’s ability to automatically block newly installed apps ensures that your child only gets to use applications in that you are happy for them to use.

App Install Alerts

Should you allow use of Google Play to install apps, you will receive notifications for each app install, allowing you to decide whether to allow use of the application, or not. 

Set Usage Limits

Set restrictions on the times and days that each app can be used.

Group Apps By Type

Create groups of apps, such as Games, or Social Media, and set total usage limits on the group.

By requiring parental approval for use of every new app that is installed, you can prevent exposure to harmful content or excessive time spent playing addictive games. 

In addition, you will be able to set limits on how much time an app, or a group of apps, can be used each day. For example, you can easily set things so that your child is only able to play games for at most 30 minutes per day, or whatever amount of time you consider is appropriate for your child.

How to use App Control

Setting up MMGuardian App Control is simple and effective. Here’s how to get started:

  • Install the Parent App to your own phone, Android or iPhone
  • Install the MMGuardian Parental Control app to your child’s Android phone. If your child has an MMGuardian Phone, there is no need to install this app.
  • Open the App Control menu in your parent phone app
  • Decide which apps to keep blocked, or allow at all times
  • To set time or usage restrictions, create App Groups, assign apps and set the rules

For detailed guidance on using App Control, see this FAQ [LINK TO FAQ] article.

MMGuardian App Control Summary

To sum up, the MMGuardian App Control feature for Android provides an essential tool to manage your child’s app usage effectively, with the flexibility to set rules that are right for your child. Whether you need to block app installs to be used only during set times of the day, or limit the amount of time your child can use apps, MMGuardian provides the solution that many parents seek for their children’s digital protection.


MMGuardian A35 Key Features