MMGuardian Parental Control Videos
Note: this is an archive page.
MMGuardian Videos
These short videos about the MMGuardian Parental Control applications explain some of the key benefits of the apps, and how to use the them. Click on the video image to play the video!
MMGuardian Introduction
(Android child phone functions)

Installing MMGuardian to your child’s Android phone
See: Vidéos d'installation d'applications sur les appareils pour enfants
Configuring the MMGuardian Android phone app from the web portal

Installing MMGuardian to your child’s iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
See: Vidéos d'installation d'applications sur les appareils pour enfants
Parental Control Application
Our application for Android phones.

Tablet Security Application
This is the application for Android tablets!

MMGuardian can be used to lock the phone on demand, or at scheduled times.

Find out where your child’s phone is. On demand or at scheduled times.

Limites de temps
Set schedules for when the device will be locked, and can not be used (other than to make emergency calls, or call and text to the parent’s “admin” phone).

Contrôle des applications
Use App Control to select which apps can be used, and when.

Moniteur de texte
The MMGuardian Parental Control app can monitor the SMS messages sent to or from your child, looking for words that you define as being of concern.