By Paul Grossinger
On Tuesday July 9, MMGuardian made its debut for thousands of Northern Californians who tuned into the 6:30pm PST broadcast of Upside, the primetime news show on Comcast Hometown Network.
Parental control is becoming a hot topic as kids leave school for the summer and parents grapple with how to handle their children’s rapid-fire smartphone use and the dangers associated with their activities. Comcast decided to bring in MMGuardian to discuss how parents can keep their kids safe.
On Upside on Comcast, smartphone dangers were discussed but with an eye for the upside – pun intended – in the issue for parents, which is that these dangers can be quickly mitigated with parental control. MMGuardian’s feature set, including call and text monitoring, scheduling and instant phone controls, and text and drive prevention were on full display for the Comcast viewers.
For more information, view the Comcast broadcast on Upside’s you tube channel or check out