Many MMGuardian parents have told us that “how can I stop my child from texting while driving” is a thought that keeps them up at night.
“How can I stop my child from texting while driving?” It rankles.
If you’ve driven recently, you might have spied a frightening sight: a teenager behind the wheel, furiously texting, barely glancing at the wheel. That teen is 23x more likely to get into a traffic accident.
Texting while driving is the worst danger to teens on the road and MMGuardian Parental Control can help you keep your teen safe.
What makes texting while driving so unsafe is that it keeps the drivers’ eyes off the road for longer periods than any other activity. It slows and impairs decision making, leading to astronomically higher chances of an accident.
If you are not worried yet, take a look at these statistics from legal firm Edgar Snyder & Associates:
- Approximately 86% of drivers said they ate or drank while driving at some point, and 57% said they do it “sometimes” or “often.”
- Over 1/3 of drivers (37%) have sent or received text messages while driving, and 18% said they do it regularly.
- Forty-one percent of adult drivers have set or changed a GPS system while driving, and 21% do it “more frequently.”
- Many adult drivers (36%) have read a map while driving, and 10% do it “sometimes” or “often.”
- One in five drivers have combed or styled his or her hair while driving. One in ten does it regularly.
- Have you ever seen a driver putting on makeup? Approximately 14% have done it once, and 7% do it frequently.
- About 13% of adult drivers have surfed the Internet while driving.
- Results of the poll showed that younger drivers were more likely to engage in distracted driving. Men were more likely to drive while drowsy, drive after drinking, read a map, use a GPS system, and use the Internet.
- A large percentage of the people said they know distracted driving is dangerous, but do it anyway.