MMGuardian Parental Control’s Monitor Feature Keeps Your Kids Texting Safely
By Paul Grossinger
“I want to have sex.”
Seeing you kids texting that or hearing your 11-year old child say it is every parent’s worst
nightmare. But, how can parents take action if they do not know what is going on?
Pre-teens’ smartphones are quickly becoming an entirely separate eco-system. Despite owning, and
paying for, their child’s phone, parents often have no access – reduced to lying in bed and wondering:
Is my child safe? What are my kids texting?
Parents need a solution that alerts them to text messages that they would find concerning, so that they
can take action before their pre-teens get themselves into trouble.
MMGuardian Parental Control’s updated Monitor feature is the answer parents have been looking for –
providing parents select monitoring capability without the “Big Brother” feel their kids will detest.
With MMGuardian Monitor, parents self-select the words that concern them – words or phrases they
would like to be made aware of if they appear in their child’s communication. MMGuardian stores
those words in its database, then sends a text message alert to the parent when the child uses, or is
confronted by, them.
So, the next time your pre-teen child says, “I want to have sex,” you will know.
And be prepared to take action.