Protect Teens at The Intersection of Communication and Technology

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The MMGuardian Phone

The Best Safe Phone For Kids

Samsung phones with MMGuardian built-in

By Paul Grossinger How can parents protect teens at the intersection of communication and technology? MMGuardian Can Help Hold Your Teens Accountable by mixing effective communication with technology enforcement. The old adage, how to protect teens from themselves, dates from practically the dawn of time yet grows more relevant with each new advent of mobile technology. In particular, as smartphones give teens more independence and increase their capacity for self-harm, parents must set up strong ties of communication between themselves and their kids.  Communication is the root of effective parenting and, without a window into their teen’s phone habits, parents have no effective way to protect teens and learn where they need help. Whether it is bullying, sexting, texting and driving, or something else, parents should set themselves up as a trusted source for their children to communicate their problems.  To become a trusted source, parents must first get involved and learn what is troubling their kids. But, here is the elephant in the room: communication is great – but how do parents verify their children are being honest with them and hold them accountable when they are not? That is where MMGuardian™ comes into play. At its essence, MMGuardian is about providing accountability. Parents install MMGuardian so that they can set preventative safety measures; eliminating texting and driving and dangerous apps, alerting themselves to bullying, and giving themselves access controls for their child’s phone. In short, MMGuardian lets parents know the real story – clueing them in to whether their child’s phone and activities are safe.  MMGuardian is both the knowledge conduit for effective communication and the enforcement tool that lets parents actually keep their children safe. Its leading with communication and trust and handicapping it with clear rules, controls, and accountability. In the age of ever more capable smartphones, is there really another option?

The 7 Most Dangerous Smartphone Digital Threats

This free e-book explains the dangers that parents should be aware of, and how to safeguard their children.

(Please note that this e-book is currently only available in English)

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