Mobility Tech Zone featured MMGuardian Parental Control for its new, complete SaaS solution protecting teen smartphone use.
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Pervasive Group Announces a New Mobile Parental Control Solution

The new generation of cellular phones provides many services and solutions in the form of entertainment, information, games, tools and services. One of the best tools a cellular phone provides for parents is as a location and monitoring device. With the right phone and service parents can keep track of their children and know where they are at all times and what they are doing with the phone. Pervasive Group Inc. has introduced a cloud-based mobile parental solution for carriers so they can offer it as a service. MMGuardian’s innovation and technology was recognized by CTIA E-Tech as an awards finalist.
The increase of smartphone penetration in the teenage demographic is expected to reach more than 90 percent for teens over 12 years and above by 2016 in the US and Europe. The MMGuardian is an all in one solution that not only keeps track of where your children, but also their mobile phoneusage including while they are driving.
The statistics for texting are frightening and when you add the youth and inexperience of teenagers it becomes even more alarming. Text messaging makes crashing 23X more likely, and texting takes a minimum of five seconds of your time while driving, and at 55 mph you will have travelled a whole football field without looking at the road. That is lethal whether you are a teen or an adult.
The MMGuardian is an Android based carrier grade high performance solution that is customizable, and fully scalable so it can be branded internationally and deployed in an app store or co-branded on Google Play. This a very low cost platform for an in-house deployment with minimum maintenance and support cost.
The interface gives the parent or guardian the ability to instantly lock the phone – except emergency calls – texting monitoring, call blocking, text and driving prevention, and whitelisting and blacklisting calls, text, and applications. The app cannot be tampered and uninstalled. It is protected at the time of installation by the parent with an administrator password. Theapplication is installed on the child’s phone and the parent controls the phone through SMS.
Although this generation of teenagers is more tech savvy, they still need to be monitored so they don’t text and drive, use adult applications or communicate with strangers. The MMGuardian gives parents total control so they can monitor their teens at all times.
The company says it doesn’t have an iOS version yet, but they are working on it and they will be releasing a version for these devices soon.