Texting and Driving Banned in Grand Prairie Texas

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Texting and driving is now banned in Grand Prairie, Texas; part of an effort by small towns across the United States to attack texting while driving and protect teens and young adults.  MMGuardian Parental Control’s Safe Driving feature can help parents looking to comply with anti-texting and driving laws.

By Paul Grossinger

It’s a small town start but one that is an exciting step forward for Texas.

According to the Dallas Morning News, city officials in Grand Prairie, Texas have moved forward with an ordinance to ban texting while driving on town roads.  The ban will go into effect on September 1st and will affect all drivers who text behind the wheel with the city’s limits.

“I think it is going to save lives,” said State Representative Linda Harper-Brown.  “It is just a very smart thing to do.”

The town’s action is important because it comes as Texas struggles with how to deal with texting and driving at the state-wide level.  Texas is a deeply conservative state with a strong history of individual rights, which makes lifestyle bans like one on texting behind the wheel a controversial proposition.  Already, more than one state-wide bill to ban texting and driving has stalled in the Texas legislature.  However, Texas also has one of the highest proportions of teens behind the wheel and its citizens are well aware of texting and driving’s dangers – not only to perpetrators but also their victims.

What exactly are the statistics behind those dangers?  In 2012, nearly 3,000 teens died nationwide in distracted driving accidents.  Texting and driving also became the Number 1 cause of distracted driving by passing drunk driving for the first time.

Even worse, drivers who text are 23 times more likely to be in an accident.

MMGuardian Parental Control’s “Safe Driving” Feature can help parents looking to comply with the new law.  MMGuardian’s Safe Driving prevents teens from sending text messages while driving; locking their smartphone’s texting capabilities while they are in a moving vehicle.

In short, for a state like Texas, action is needed.  And, while Grand Prairie’s actions hardly hold for the entirety of Texas, the city’s ordinance is clearly a major step in the right direction for the Lone Star State.  As Texas continues to move in the right direction, MMGuardian can help.

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