Safe Browser for iPhone and iPad

The MMGuardian app for the iPhone® and iPad®, when set to function as a Safe Browser, allows you to set restrictions on what websites your child may visit based on the configurations that you set for the Web Filter function.

The complete solution includes detailed reports, accessible from the parent web portal, about what sites have been visited and attempts that were blocked.

The MMGuardian Parental Control app is available from the Apple App Store and functions as a Safe Browser once it has been registered and set up.


MMGuardian Safe Browser

The MMGuardian Browser enables reliable web filtering and web usage reporting. The browser includes functionality that your child will expect of a modern web browser, such as history, bookmarks, HTML5 video and tabbed browsing.

When using the MMGuardian Safe Browser, categories of websites that are deemed inappropriate for the chosen age range will be blocked, based on the categorisation of the website content. Categories include Adult, Porn, Gambling, Drugs, Phising and many more.  See the MMGuardian Web Filter page for full details on how to enable and configure the web filter.

When Web Filter is enabled your child must use the MMGuardian app to access the internet.

Please use the Apple Screen Time function to block Safari, see:

Configure Apple Screen Time for MMGuardian


Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.


MMGuardian A35 Key Features