I need to cancel my order

If you need to cancel your order, please email at support@mmguardian.com as soon as possible, quoting the order number. Please note that orders are often processed quickly, so we cannot guarantee that the order may not already have shipped. However, you will be able to return the equipment and get a refund per our 30… Continue reading I need to cancel my order

What’s included in the box?

Each MMGuardian Phone comes in a Samsung retail packaging box. A a USB-C charging cable and a SIM card ejector pin are included in the box. A wall-adaptor is not included in the phone box. Phone accessories such as a protective case or a screen protector may be included with your order, depending on the… Continue reading What’s included in the box?

In which countries is the MMGuardian Phone available?

At present, the MMGuardian Phone is only available in the USA.

Can I use a Pay As You Go SIM?

Yes! Pay As You Go (also known as pre-paid) SIMs from your preferred phone airtime provider can be used in the MMGuardian Phone. List of compatible networks


MMGuardian A35 Key Features