What does ATM mean?
Definition, Use Cases, Examples

ATM Meaning

ATM stands for At The Moment.

ATM is an internet slang initialism used to show that the sender is busy.

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How is ATM used? Use Cases & Examples

The slang abbreviation ATM indicates that the person sending the text or message is busy. This slang expression is similar to the slang initialisms AFK (away from keyboard) and RN (right now).

Examples of how your teen might use the slang term ATM:

-Want to play Valheim?
-Walking the dog atm.

-I’ll text you later. We’re at the checkout atm.

-Can I come over?
-Sorry ATM I’m babysitting.

-We’re having a Stranger Things watch party. Want to join?
-I’m at work atm.

How to Identify if your child is using the ATM slang word

You might learn your child is using this slang term by chance when a text pops up on the phone screen. But while the slang term ATM is harmless, other teenage slang terms could indicate that your teen is talking about risky behaviors or communicating with potentially dangerous people.

Having a parental control app on your child’s phone will give you peace of mind by alerting you to your child’s exposure to risks encountered on their phone. With a parental control app installed on your child’s phone, you have the control to set alerts to help your teen avoid the pitfalls of predators, drug dealers, and other negative influences. Having the ability to vary the level of monitoring gives you the power to choose what is right for your child, and these levels can be adjusted easily at any time.

How to talk with your child about use of the ATM slang word

Abbreviations evolve naturally in texting, making messaging much faster and efficient. Slang terms help generate shortcuts we can all benefit by knowing. Here are some ideas for talking with your teen about slang expressions:

  • What was the first texting abbreviation you ever learned?
  • Are there any slang expressions you think are overused or underused?
  • Does knowing so many abbreviations help you take notes more quickly in class? Do you think texting makes you more in-tune to the possibilites of abbreviating?
  • What are some abbreviations you know that are already outdated? What are some new ones?

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