expresses shock or even alarm and is often used as a humorous response.
expresses shock or even alarm and is often used as a humorous response.
is an interjection of surprise, alarm, or concern and is often used to respond to an awkward remark. A more emphatic version of the slang expression yikes
is big yikes.
Examples of how your teen might use the slang term yikes
-Just saw an ancient old lady in WalMart wearing a string bikini. Hurl alert!
-Their dog tries to tear through the gate every time we walk by.
-Yikes, that’s scary.
-imma get this shoulder coaster of rabbit raider
-Big yikes!
-liam all salty coz he died so soon n he throwed the controller at me n broke my new glasses
-yikes that sux
You might learn your child is using this slang term by chance when a text pops up on the phone screen. But while the slang term yikes
is usually harmless, other teenage slang terms could indicate that your teen is talking about risky behaviors or communicating with potentially dangerous people.
Having a parental control app on your child’s phone will give you peace of mind by alerting you to your child’s exposure to risks encountered on their phone. With a parental control app installed on your child’s phone, you have the control to set alerts to help your teen avoid the pitfalls of predators, drug dealers, and other negative influences. Having the ability to vary the level of monitoring gives you the power to choose what is right for your child, and these levels can be adjusted easily at any time.
There’s that passionate person in every group who loves to cannonball into a discussion, but tiptoeing around controversial topics is the M.O. for a lot of people, including teenagers. Having a handy slang term such as yikes
to fall back on in awkward online conversations can be a lifesaver for your teen.
Here are some questions about the teenage slang expression yikes
that you can use as conversation starters with your kid:
yikesis a call in fox-hunting to encourage the hounds?
yikesif a friend suggest doing something sketchy or crazy?
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